
Friday, December 24, 2010

Top Five Christmas Songs

Hey guys, I hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas or holidays or simply a great break from school or work. Me, I'm spending this Christmas staring into the black abyss that is my post-collegiate life. Donations and prayers are greatly appreciated.

So, in that vein of the holiday spirit, I give to you the Top Five Christmas Songs that you should give to your friends and loved ones. There really isn't rhyme or reason to this list and it isn't in any particular order. Now then, sit back with your favorite egg nog, relax with a warm cup of Glühwein, and take in the overwhelming Tour de Force that is this holiday list.

5. For your resident hipster: Anything from the Sufjan Stevens' Songs for Christmas series

While most people won't think that this song stands out in comparison with the other gems on these albums, let's take a moment and commend Sufjan Stevens for not taking the usual sappy, string-laden route with Christmas songs. Instead, he comes out blaring with wall of distorted electric guitars. I imagine if Kurt Cobain had to write a Christmas song (Although that would probably mean he was a sell out. Better get that shotgun ready... [too soon?]) it would sound a bit like this. Yet, if you listen to the lyrics they are as tender and intimate as one of his more famous songs, "Casimir Pulaski Day". It's further proof that whatever the musical genre is, you can count on Sufjan to deliver.

4.5. However...if your tastes are more traditional, then here's your Christmas groove:

While it might not be strictly a Christmas song, it is on the album and it is one of my favorite Sufjan songs of all time. Growing up going to church, I have become mostly desensitized to church hymns. But, this song touches me every time and really makes me reexamine where I'm at in life, which is very appropriate this time of year.

4. For Red (you know who you are), "When it's Christmas Time in Texas", George Strait

(Sorry for the poor audio quality. Stupid country hipsters and their love of vinyl!!!)

George Strait is still cool. There, I said it.

But seriously, the George Strait Christmas album cassette tape was constantly on in my mom's car when I was a kid. I don't know if we still have that cassette, but I doubt that we could play it today if we did have it because it would be simply worn out. Besides, it very accurately describes the very un-winterlike weather in Texas around Christmastime. Merry Christmas, y'all!

3. For the guy in your group that wants to recreate the 60s and 70s, "Merry Christmas, Baby", Otis Redding

I sincerely hope that everyone has one of these guys in their group. Not only do you get to hear some great throwback songs every now and then, you're almost guaranteed to steer clear of a drum machine or synthesizer. And we wouldn't want that at all. Anyway, this is song really is a gem because, after all, everyone needs some soul in Christmas.

2. For Zooey, "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas", She & Him's obvious I have feelings for you, Zooey. So, why don't you ditch that Death Cab and go out with me? I have mistletoe and eggnog! I even plugged you in my blog!

1.5. BONUS!!! "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" by the Houston Rockets!

I have no defense for this song. Really. In fact, I'm pretty sure that this the reason that God is striking down Yao Ming via the foot/ankle. You can only ruin his son's birthday so much before He exacts his revenge. Here, in the form of missing the NBA playoffs.

1. For young and old, "Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth" by David Bowie and Bing Crosby

Ok, so I know that David Bowie isn't exactly young and hip anymore, but this has to be one of the most random Christmas songs ever. Let's start with the premise of the video. David and Bing apparently live in the same Mister Rogers neighborhood. And it's not too unusual for David to come over from time to time and just start talking about their kids and even sing a bit. Totally random. However, for all of the "What the heck?" moments in the video, David and Bing manage to pull off a Christmas classic. Harmonies and singing in rounds are some of the best modes of music, and they do both well in this song. Unfortunately, Mr. White Christmas would pass on shortly after the recording of this video, but David Bowie is still with us (but apparently in space).

So there you have it. I hope all of you enjoyed this list. But most of all I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas with their friends and family! Happy Holidays and Frohe Weihnachten!

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