
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

All the Ladies in the House Say: O.H.I.O.

When Ryan first asked me to bring some female-Midwestern perspective to Charging Interests, I felt like I had just gotten invited to join The Skulls (Joshua Jackson, where are you? It's been too long). Just like The Skulls, Charging Interests is definitely a "man's world," and the similarities don't end there! Exclusive membership, check. Ominous references, check. Secret Lair (aka Ryan's hot tub), check. Plus, I can't think of a time when I've met up with Nick and not thought, "Dang. That boy has some serious Ivy League swagger." But, I digress...

I think we all know that Charging Interests is less elitist fraternity and more easy-going co-operative. With that said, for as easy-going as these boys are they've sure set the bar high for interesting, well-written blog posts! Let's hope I can at least squeak by, lest I see the true colors of their brotherhood! (yep, still referencing The Skulls...)

I'm currently living in Columbus, OH. (And before you're all "what the heck," trust me -- I definitely put in my fair share of time down in Texas. Excuse me if I don't want to melt!) Having lived in both the South and the Northeast for quite some time, I think I can confidently say that the Midwest is a whole different kind of animal. (I'm thinking Mustang, Owl, and Labrador Retriever, respectively.) I've never been in a city that's so calm and exciting at the same time. There are some neighborhoods that remind me of quaint European villages, and others that scream "C.O.P.S." (literally, I think I heard someone shouting for the police once). Those juxtapositions are compounded by the truly eclectic population here in Columbus. I live at the beginning of the city's arts district, an area clearly dominated by alternative-lifestyle patrons, and at the end of the university district (clothing & accessories I see often include: casual wear from the Victoria Secret Pink collection, cargo shorts, Buckeye football t-shirts, ray bans, & generally boisterous attitudes - if that counts as an accessory). There are, of course, the stoic financiers and lawyers downtown, but just across the river you'll find charming grandmas and grandpas selling crazy things at their summer garage sales. I actually bought both these chairs at one such sale for $20:

Needless to say, it's a vibrant city and one of the friendliest places I've ever been. (Though, my little brother just started his freshman year at Texas A&M and he begs to differ.) So, as far as the Midwestern perspective, I haven't got much to say yet, other than GO BUCKEYES! On the "female"-perspective end, I personally think I'm doing pretty well. I've already mentioned a movie including at least one cast member from Dawson's Creek, AND I threw in a little interior design action. A string of lol's, omg's, and hehe's and I'll probably be done, right?


The boys might call me "the girl," but I'm hoping that eventually morphs into "the GRRRRRRRRL!"... I'll often be posting solely to keep these guys on their toes/practice my black bear impersonation. I'm in law school here in Ohio, so it will also be interesting to see whether I can contribute something meaningful before my brain turns into mush. (Mush, by the way, is what all Mexican food in Ohio tastes like.) I'm also hoping that my bad horror movie references rival Ryan's, while my alternative/indie music library gives Nick a run for his money/ironic t-shirt collection. For the ladies, I plan to interject my own personal boy-servations (boy-observations). So far, I've met two guys that both listen to Insane Clown's not looking good. Also, something I've taken major issue with is that there is never any talk about food here on Charging Interests! I measure my days in meals not minutes, so I guess you can expect a little of that. And most of all, I hope that I can bring cute puppies to yet ANOTHER page on the Internet. There's my mission statement. Glad to be of service!

- T.G.

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